The 1991 romantic comedy Doc Hollywood starred Michael J. Fox as a doctor on a road trip from Washington, DC, to Beverly Hills to begin a new job. That was his intention, but when things goes wrong, his plans eventually change. It's a familiar plot made special by Fox's talents and a heartwarming script. Let's learn what went into the making of Doc Hollywood.
10. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease shortly before this film was made.
He started noticing a mild twitch in his left pinky finger. The disease didn’t start getting worse until later but it was diagnosed in 1990.
9. The movie was filmed in Florida.
Micanopy, Florida is a small town just south of Gainesville and was inhabited by less than a thousand people at the time.
It's crazy to think that Fox has been dealing with Parkinson's for 28 years. Read more about Doc Hollywood at TVOM.