Plants You Should Always Grow Together In The Garden

Too much sun, too little water, bugs, poor quality soil and a lack of fertilization are some of the main reasons why fruits and veggies fail to grow in the garden, but did you know what we grow together matters too?

It turns out plant pairing can be just as important as where, when and how you grow, so start planting the right stuff side-by-side and reap the rewards!

Sweet smelling roses attract pests, so grow some pungent garlic next to your roses and repel those pests with the delicious power of nature.

Nematodes (roundworms) attack melons at the root, but growing marigolds next to your melons can be as effective as chemical treatments at controlling those pests- and they look pretty too!

Everybody loves to grow fresh tomatoes in the garden, but did you know tomatoes can be a cabbage's best friend?

Diamondback moth larvae love to munch on cabbage leaves but tomato plants are repellant to the larvae, so grow tomatoes and cabbage together to keep your leaves from getting all chewed up.

See 26 Plants You Should Always Grow Side-By-Side here

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I like the old-fashioned tradition of surrounding your whole vegetable garden with a border of marigolds. It looks good, keeps nematodes away, and covers the ragged edge of where you mow the grass somewhat hidden.
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I worked in food service all through high school, college and beyond. And the only food-safe insecticides we could use were ones made with pyrethrins, an organic chemical compound originally derived from chrysanthemum flowers.
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