A Pictorial History Of National Geographic's Innovative Illustrations

National Geographic is one of the most popular magazines ever released, and their success is due largely to the amazing photography and in-depth articles that gave people a chance to see the world like never before.

And yet the magazine's innovative infographics are taken for granted compared to the amazing photos, even though generations of readers were able to learn a lot just by looking at those info- packed ilustrations.

Taschen recently released an extremely eye-pleasing book of National Geographic Infographics, which collects hundreds of the best infographics spanning the magazine's 128 years in print: 

With an essay by Nigel Holmes, charting the evolution of National Geographic over the decades and its pioneering use of graphics, as well as five fold-outs mimicking original pull-outs or inserts in the magazine, the book stands as a defining record of one of the world’s best-known publications as well as a beautifully presented repository of accessible discovery and learning.

-Via Laughing Squid

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