Massage therapy may not heal all that ails you, but when it comes to relieving those sore and knotted muscles through manual manipulation, and thereby relieving stress, massage actually works.
Our bodies carry the weight of our stress in specific places, knotting up the muscles in those locations which then pass the weight of the load off to other muscle groups, resulting in tightness, aching and, in extreme cases, loss of mobility.
By massaging five locations regularly you can really help to relieve the stress your body is carrying- start with the muscle in your palm next to/just below the thumb, as pictured above.
Next hit the point where the neck muscles attach to the skull, which can lead to shoulder pain and stress headaches when they become knotted and stiff.
And last, but certainly not least, is a point that can help keep your dogs from barking- the point right around where your phalanges (toe bones) meet the metatarsels (larger foot bones). Massage this point after walking all day and feel the sweet relief!
Read Know These Pressure Points That Can Relieve Stress here