9 Things You Didn't Know about The Silence of the Lambs

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The iconic thriller film The Silence of the Lambs turns 25 this year. It was a perfect combination of writing, acting, and directing with an unforgettable villain who continues to terrify audiences all these many years later.

CineFlix rounded up 9 facts that you might not know about it. For example, Jodie Foster was not the first choice to play Clarice Starling. That role almost went to Michelle Pfeiffer. And the refined cannibal Hannibal Lecter was almost played by Sean Connery. Can you imagine their scenes together if they had been played by these two actors?

-via Blame It on the Voices

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Interesting about the night-vision shadow issue. If he were using infrared, instead of a photomultiplier (or whatever it's called), then an infrared light would let things cast a shadow, but still would be invisible to human sight.
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Interesting about the night-vision shadow issue. If he were using infrared, instead of a photomultiplier (or whatever it's called), then an infrared light would let things cast a shadow, but still would be invisible to human sight.
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