(Photo: Power Toothpaste)
You gotta get up. No one wants to, but we all have to. Some caffeine helps. Yes, I'll have coffee, please. But if that's not enough, then there's a new product in development that will make the morning process easier. Power Toothpaste is infused with caffeine, so it wakes you up as you brush your teeth.
But that's not why entrepreneur Dan Meropol invented it. He was just looking for a way to encourage people to brush more. Meropol reasoned that a rush of caffeine would reward users for brushing their teeth in the morning. A Daily Mail article from last November explains:
After learning that only half of Americans floss daily and half of Americans only brush once per day, Mr Meropol set out to find a way to get people to take better care of their teeth.
Mr Meropol spoke to his friend Ian about the problem he was trying to solve - and Ian suggested a caffeinated toothpaste.
Mr Meropol says his friend was shocked to find that there was not already a caffeinated toothpaste on the market, and began formulating and perfecting what would become Power Toothpaste.
-via Incredible Things
Comments (2)
At least in principle, since this is not fluoridated, you could eat it to get some of the caffeine...