Rollermania! 45 Fun Photos of Roller Disco in the 1970s and 1980s

If you're old enough to remember the days of roller skating rinks in the 1970s and 1980s, complete with roller fashions, "couple skates," custom-made, iron-on, lettered t-shirts, disco tricks and other mini-wheeled madness, well then you're in luck. This wealth of photos from that era is an absolute blast from the past.

With the exception of the fifth photo (that inexplicably doesn't show people on skates), many of these shots are from disco-era movies, some are promo shots of celebrities getting into the hobby, and the rest are the general public getting down and startin' something. NSFW: One photo has an overzealous scenester wearing a see-through shirt with no bra. Images: Via collection at Vintage Everyday

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I think it might be Cher in the see-through top (who seems to appear again a few pics lower)... and the late Dorothy Stratten with Hef (in a moment that was immortalized in "Star 80") in a shot between those two.
Tiegs, Fawcett(-Majors), Blair and Tilton... so many 70's heartthrobs.
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