Gingerbread Iron Throne | Image: imgur
Have you ever tried to make a gingerbread house? It's quite a bit more challenging than it looks. Mishaps with "construction supplies," breakage and lack of adhesion and stability can all be problems one encounters along the way. Twice I've seen adults set out with the best of intentions to make a gingerbread house with kids and end up frustrated, with no recognizable structure, hopelessly and defeatedly munching on materials.
That's why I'm impressed whenever I see gingerbread projects that stand out in their excellence. It always makes me wonder how long it took the builder, and how many calories they may have stress-ingested during the construction process.
Check out these 13 cool gingerbread creations inspired by popular movies and television shows. Some of them boggle the mind in their delicious detail.
"Ginger-Barad-Dûr," Lord of the Rings | Image: zamfall / Via imgur
Gingermeth House, Breaking Bad | Image: reddit