Woman Fights and Wins Appeal to Wear Pasta Strainer on Her Head in Driver's License Photo

Miller's "winning photo" in her fight for FSM religious rights
Image: American Humanist Association

Lindsay Miller of Lowell, Massachusetts, a self-described Pastafarian, has won her fight to wear a pasta strainer on her head in her driver's license photo. Arguing that her chosen headgear was part of her right to freely express and practice her religion, Miller was granted permission by the state of Massachusetts motor vehicles division on appeal, after their initial refusal. 

The Massachusetts RMV's website writes that drivers may not wear hats or head coverings in their drivers' license photos unless the clothing items are “for medical or religious reasons.”
Miller says she wore the strainer to show her devotion to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Read the full story at the Boston Globe

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