Michael Fischler created this work of art (titled Birmingham) by injecting paint into the cells of bubble wrap! He has a TV production career, and does this as a creative outlet. It’s a portrait of musician Beth Thornley.
The company he buys the bubble wrap from published an interview with Fischler after his first bubble-wrap painting, in which he explained that the idea grew out of his photography.
I took a photo I had shot and blew it up until each pixel was about a half inch in size – this made for a picture approx. 5 sheets (8.5x11) across and 7 sheets down. It kind of worked, but I had issues with the colors being true and the fact that this didn’t seem very different (David Hockney, for example, created a picture out of Polaroids he had taken). I put the project aside and it wasn’t until several months later when I was visiting some family in England that I used some old bubble wrap to pack and it suddenly occurred to me – bubbles could be pixels - what if I put paint inside the bubble?
The finished product is lovely, but I have to wonder- does the paint ever dry? What if someone had an irresistible urge to pop one of the bubbles? That could be a disaster! -via Digg
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