The Map of Stereotypes

Martin Vargic is a 17-year-old Slovakian artist who specializes in maps. He created a world map of stereotypes, relying on online forums, TV Tropes (warning: internet black hole), movies, books, and internet search. There are over 5,000 stereotype labels on the globe!

Note “Hipsteria” in Oregon and “Shit hit the fan” for Detroit. Washington, DC is “Baphomet’s Lair.” I was a little disappointed that my part of Kentucky, with all the stereotypes that come with it, is only labeled “white water rafting.”  The map is part of his new book Vargic's Miscellany of Curious Maps: Mapping Out the Modern World. Get a closer view of North America and some of the other continents at Buzzfeed.

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"Shit hit the fan" is actually associated with Detroit, according to the map.

While I encourage the effort, I think - perhaps - he needs a (several) proofreader(s) from the US - and other countries - to tweak it just right.

In the meantime, I would highly recommend Dorlinh, Newman and Sarford's exceptionally interesting "Maps of the World" instead.

But, great effort - and so true about DC!
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"Shit hit the fan" is actually associated with Detroit, according to the map.

While I encourage the effort, I think - perhaps - he needs a (several) proofreader(s) from the US - and other countries - to tweak it just right.

In the meantime, I would highly recommend Dorlinh, Newman and Sarford's exceptionally interesting "Maps of the World" instead.

But, great effort - and so true about DC!
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