If you've ever wondered whether cocaine use was really as prevalent in the 70s and 80s as movies and TV shows claim then the short answer is yes and no.
Yes people were doing a heck of a lot more cocaine in the 70s and 80s than they are today, and doing it far more openly, but not everyone was in to cocaine.
Some people were into champagne, or yoga, or pina coladas and makin' love at midnight, and yet cocaine use was so popular paraphernalia companies were taking out whole page magazine ads to sell their sniffy goods.
Granted, these magazines were typically drug or subculture rags like Easy Rider, HiLife or head, but it's still hard to imagine a time when it would be okay to sell cocaine sniffing supplies to drug users without fear of repercussion.
See a massive gallery of these strange cocaine paraphernalia ads here
-Via AdWeek
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