As soon as you open an email account the scammers seem to come out of the woodwork, and suddenly you start meeting Nigerian princes and winning lotteries you never entered.
We've all seen it, dealt with it and, more often than not, deleted it, but funster James Veitch didn't feel comfortable leaving these people hanging.
He figures if they have the courtesy to reach out to him directly for help then he should be courteous right back by replying to the tales of their plight, so he has been replying to scam emails for over two years.
The results of his research on responding to scam emails can be found in the book “Dot Con: The Art Of Scamming A Scammer", which includes many of these scam-to-scam interactions in easy-to-read email format
If it weren't for the valiant efforts of caring individuals like James Veitch hundreds of scam emails would go unanswered each year, and the opportunity to write books about scam emails would be lost.
Read how This Guy's Email Exchange With A Scammer Turned Into A Hilarious Story here
Comments (4)
I remember when you used to have the "read every page of Neatorama" thing/challenge. I passed that milestone probably two years ago.
the link is broken but here it is :
OMG I have 8+ years old Neatorama memories! Is this serious doctor?!