Grizzly Bear Pushes A Translucent Cube With Woman Inside

Many bears dream of a day when they’re able to shove a human being inside something roly-poly, like a barrel or a tire, so they can roll that screaming human around the woods and show it off to their ursine friends.

Sadly, most bears will never get to experience the joy of rolling a human, but the bear in this clip is luckier than most, and he’s definitely luckier than the poor person in the cube.

(YouTube Link)

This video was supposedly shot as a promo for the Japanese show Sekai No Hate Made ItteQ!, but beyond its use as a promo video it should also serve as a reminder to humans- don’t believe bears when they tell you there’s candy at the bottom of the cube!

-Via Laughing Squid

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Better than paying for the uniforms yourself, my family was dirt poor and I was perfectly happy wearing goodwill scraps until sixth grade when suddenly the school needed us to buy forty-dollar slacks and fifty-dollar polo shirts from one of the three Approved Manufacturers. Fortunately my mother was able to keep the three pairs of slacks we bought alive for the entire year with her sewing skillz, but the next year the dress code was revised and suddenly visible stitches and patches were no longer allowed, (it didn't help our case that my mother deliberately chose comically mis-matching patches)
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Give kids some credit. My father was a smoker and I saw his cigs every day until I was about 12, when he stopped. It never dawned on me to take up smoking, to buy cigarettes, or tell anyone to smoke.
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This seems very fake, especially with the “x-car” logos on the full pictures (in the source website). I expect this to be a school trip to a racing circuit or something like that.
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