Commodore Amiga 2000 | Image: Trafalgarcircle
The Amiga 2000 was released by Commodore in 1987 and discontinued in 1991. By computer standards, the system is ancient history. Yet in Grand Rapids School District in Grand Rapids, Michigan, an Amiga 2000 has run the heat and air conditioning of its schools day and night, without incident since it was installed in the 1980s. As of now, 19 schools rely on the nearly three-decades-old machine. The system's 1200-bit modem and wireless radio signal enables it to communicate with the district's schools.
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Meanwhile, if they had instead used a Unix-based system, like a Sun 68k workstation, it would have been pretty easy to upgrade to modern equivalents, and easy to find hardware, software, and people to continue to maintain it. Ditto for PCs running DOS, though in both cases the choice is infinitely easier to see in retrospect.