The Mystery of the Golden Spirals

Archaeologists have unearthed gold from Zealand in Denmark for years, but now they’ve come across something really enigmatic. A dig near Boeslunde reveaed about 2,000 little spirals made of flat gold thread. The stash dates back to 700-900 BC.

“The fact is that we don’t know what they were for, but I lean towards them being used as part of a priest king’s clothing or head piece,” Flemming Kaul, a curator with the National Museum of Denmark, told Jyllands-Posten newspaper.

The spirals were unearthed during two separate digs in the area. The digs also revealed a couple of golden fibulae, which allowed for a precise dating of the find. The remains of what archaeologists believe is a fur-lined wooden box were also found.

Royal clothing decorations? Or maybe some kind of currency? We’re all gonna have egg on our faces when they determine that these are cake decorations or a Viking version of packing peanuts. Can you think of some other possibilities? See more pictures of the find at Archaeology News Network.  -via Gizmodo

(Image credit: Morten Petersen/Zealand Museum)

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