The Faces Of Cyberpunk

The Cyberpunk subgenre isn’t just about mankind losing touch with our humanity thanks to an (often biological) link with machines, it’s also about discovering how we can remain human as tech overruns our lives, and an individual as the mega-corps take over the planet.

This search for humanism in a world where tech is fully integrated into our lives is what comes to mind as I look at these simply wonderful images by Adrian Dadich, a concept artist from Australia.

Adrian's illustrations capture the Cyberpunk aesthetic perfectly, demonstrating how people will look when tech is integrated into their bodies and how these “upgrades” will forever change the standard of beauty.

You can see many more amazing Cyberpunk illustrations by Adrian Dadich at Kotaku

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There are so many awesome NYC Tribute time lapse videos... here's another one that I LOVE! So haunting.
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