Lisa posted about Andy Stattmiller's amazingly cool The Big Lebowski nesting dolls before on Neatorama, but the rest of his nesting doll series are so awesome that we can't resist another post. Behold, Andy Stattmiller's pop culture-inspired nesting dolls:
The Avengers Nesting Dolls
That Hulk? Smashingly awesome! Stattmiller assembled the Avengers Nesting Dolls together with the following heroes: The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Vision, The Scarlet Witch, and The Wasp.
Stattmiller followed up his Avengers set with the villains version: Dr. Doom, Thanos, Kang the Conqueror, Ultron, Red Skull, Loki and The Leader.
He-Man Nesting Dolls
Who has the power ... to create awesome He-Man Nesting Dolls? Andy Stattmiller, that's who. Here are Skeletor, He-Man, Battlecat, She-Ra and Orko.
Pulp Fiction Nesting Dolls
These Pulp Fiction Nesting Dolls are much, much better than Royale with Cheese. From left to right: Marcellus Wallace, Vincent Vega, Jules Winnfield, Mia Wallace, Butch Coolidge, The Wolf and The Gimp.
Breaking Bad Nesting Dolls
Priced at $3,000 a set over at Gallery 1988, the only way we could afford one is to start a high-tech superlab! Featured are Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Mike Ehrmantraut, Saul Goodman, Skylar White with Baby Holly, Hank Schrader, Gustavo Fring, and Pink Teddy Bear.
Batman Nesting Dolls
Na na na na ... nesting dolls! Inspired by the 1960's Batman television series, Stattmiller's Batman nesting dolls feature Batman, Robin, The Joker, Batgirl, The Riddler, Alfred, Catwoman, and the Penguin.
Forest Gump Nesting Dolls
Forget chocolates! Life is like Forest Gump Nesting Dolls ... you never know what's inside a person. Well, actually, in this case: Forrest, Bubba, Jenny, Mamma, Liutenant Dan and Forrest Jr.
Street Fighter Nesting Dolls
Stattmiller's Street Fighter nesting dolls are so awesome that not even Zangief can crush them like sparrow's egg between his thighs! Zangief, E. Honda, Blanka, Guile, Ryu, Ken, Chun Li and Dhalsim are in this set.
Star Wars Nesting Dolls
Photo: Andy Stattmiller/Flickr
No pop culture-inspired series is complete without Star Wars nesting dolls! The whole Empire and Rebel Alliance are here: Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Grand Moff Tarkin, TIE Fighter Pilot, Tusken Raider, Greedo and Jawa ...
... Chewbacca, Han Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, C-3PO and R2D2.
And as if that's not enough, here are the Star Wars Return of the Jedi Nesting Dolls:
The bad guys: Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett, Gamorrean Guard, Bib Fortuna, Max Rebo, EV-9D9, and Salacious B. Crumb. The good guys: Han Solo in Carbonite, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Princess Leia, C-3PO and R2-D2.
Ghostbusters Nesting Dolls
Need nesting dolls? Who ya gonna call? Stattmiller painted the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Ray Stantz, Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler and Slimer in this Ghostbusters nesting doll set.
Robin Williams Nesting Dolls
It's Robin inside of Robin inside of Robin! Stattmiller paid tribute to the late comedian with this 8-piece nesting doll set featuring Robin in characters from Mrs. Doubtfire, The Birdcage, Fisher King, Death to Smoochy, Good Morning Vietnam, Mork and Mindy, and Aladdin.
Like that? View more awesome artwork over at Andy Stattmiller's website.
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