The Curse of Pinocchio

(Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal)

I love the work of Zach Weinersmith, a webcomic artist who combines absurdity, intellectual sophistication, and occasional puns. One of his common approaches is to take a simple idea and extend it to extreme conclusions.

Recently, he retold the story of Pinocchio, giving it a very dark ending. The wooden puppet's nose would grow whenever he told a lie. He found a loophole: he didn't necessarily have to tell the precise truth to avoid growing his nose. Read the rest of the story here.

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I may be showing my age here, but are "baby gender revelation parties" really a thing? Like when you get a sonogram or something? That used to be called the "birthday." But what do I know -I knew the gender of all of my kids at least a year before they arrived.
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