Back To The Future 2 Concept Art Reveals More Of What 2015 Should Look Like

We now officially live in that far off future age presented by that most radical of 80s sci-fi flicks Back To The Future Part II, and yet the reality of 2015 looks a bit boring when compared to a future full of self tying Nikes and Mattel hoverboards.

Well, if you think our world is boring compared to the film wait 'til you get a load of the futuristic Hill Valley tech that didn’t make it into the film.

The film's "future consultant" Tim Flattery and concept artist Edward Eyth came up with all kinds of crazy cool gear, robotic technology and far out vehicles for possible use in the film, most of which stayed tucked away in Edward's sketchbooks.

Following an interview with Newsweek Edward Eyth decided to make most of his concept art from the film available on his website, and the illustrations are simply breathtaking. 

Some of the concepts are a bit silly as you'd expect from the comedic tone of the film, but a Mobile Automated Hot Dog Vending Unit? Now that's just putting robo-technology to good use!

-Via io9

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