(Photo: unknown, via xojane)
Two months ago, we told you how to dye your armpit hair and showed you a photo of a woman who had dyed her own a cool shade of blue. Now it's become all the rage. Women are taking up their dye brushes to add unconventional colors to their armpits.
To stand out even further and express their creativity, some women, such as the one pictured above, are also adding hair extensions. That makes a lot of sense. Growing hair takes a long time. A few rhinestones also help bring some sparkle to a lady's armpits
-via American Digest
P.S. The news story of armpit hair dyeing went viral after I wrote about it here, often through posts and articles that directly sourced Neatorama. So, in a small way, I contributed to the spread of this fashion trend. You're welcome.
Comments (17)
That's a hat tip. In the Neatorama style, we put that at the bottom of a post. I normally provide a hat tip directly the post in question. However, the permalinks in American Digest's sidebar are hard to work with. So I just link to the main page when I find a story from the sidebar of that blog.
I appreciate your feedback. After blogging here for more than five years, I think of the Neatorama style as intuitive. So it's helpful to have a fresh set of eyes look at the way we do things. If our format is confusing to readers, then we should address that problem.