Ten Of The Most Disgusting Canned Food Products

People started canning food a few hundred years ago as a method of preservation and a way to make food easy to transport, and they've been canning some really gross food products ever since. Nowadays consumers are less likely to buy a canned product if they can buy fresh for the same price, and yet companies keep on canning the gross stuff because somebody out there is buying it!

We present to you ten of the most disgusting food products you can buy in a can:

1. Canned Powdered Horse Milk-

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We’re starting out a little less gross and working our way up, so believe it or not powdered horse milk factors in as the tamest product on the list. The can claims Golden Horde is "The Khan's Choice", assuring us that anything that was good enough for Gengis is good enough for us. They had me sold at "100% Horse Milk- No Ponies".

2. Canned Russian Herring-

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It’s the disgustingly fishy snack that will most certainly bite back, now with more fangs! Seriously though, how hungry would you have to be to eagerly crack in to a can of Russian Herring knowing it's full of toothy bits?

3. Canned Whole Chicken-

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It’s easy to see why people used to buy canned whole chicken, but unless you’re living in an extremely remote area without livestock, or you’re hiding out in a vault after the bombs have fallen, then chances are you'll be steering clear of this poultry nightmare. 

4. Heinz Balls & Bangers-

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This line of canned food products by Heinz might not taste all that bad, especially compared to the other foul food products on this list, but their unfortunate names make them sound rather unsavory...and naughty.

5. Canned Cheeseburger-

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Nothing says post apocalyptic Americana like cracking open a canned cheeseburger and a Nuka Cola and watching the world burn!

6. Smoked Rattlesnake-

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Rattlesnakes have been biting hikers for as long as hikers have been hiking past rattlesnakes and thereby provoking the snakes into biting, so it’s about time the bitees become the biters. 

That being said, there's got to be an easier way to bite down on those ankle biters than a can of smoked rattlesnake, which apparently has so many bones it's hard to eat without the serpent getting its revenge!

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7. Bacon Baby Instant Formula-

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Okay, so this isn’t technically a canned food product, but Bacon Baby Instant Baby Formula does come in a can type container, and it does sound utterly disgusting, so I stand behind my decision to include it on this list. They really should make giving a newborn baby a bottle of bacon flavored formula a case for child abuse charges!

8. Pork Brains with Milk Gravy-

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Pork brains were pretty blah before milk gravy was introduced, and if you’re looking for convenience you can’t get much easier than Pork Brains in milk gravy in a can. Just scramble with some eggs, or serve on toast, and watch your family try to choke a whole can down without crying!

This particular brand of pork brains comes with an added bonus- eleven hundred times your recommended daily value of cholesterol. Thanks Armour!

9.  All Day Breakfast- 

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Breakfast is one of the easiest meals to prepare, and everything can be prepared in the same skillet if need be, but for the ultra lazy who still demand a wholesome and filling breakfast there's the All Day Breakfast. It’s a rounded meal in a can, complete with eggs, bacon, beans and sausage, all you need to keep the breakfast bounty flowing all day long!

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10. Canned Silkworm Pupae-

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Koreans call silkworm pupae Beondegi, and they can't get enough of those stinky little bugs with the big bad taste! When they're served on the street they're typically steamed or boiled, but the little buggers taste especially rancid when they're canned in a brine containing salt, MSG and ginger. They're an acquired taste, like century eggs or durians, meaning no one in their right mind should be eating them!

After reading about these disgusting food type products in a can you'll be thanking your lucky stars the next time you crack open a can of something mundane like pork & beans or cream corn. You're welcome canned food lovers!

We dish up more neat food posts at the Neatolicious blog

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Unless something has changed in the last year or so, research suggests that caffeine is very poorly absorbed by the skin and mouth. A dose of caffeine applied there equivalent to several cups of coffee will result in a dose insignificant compared to a single cup of coffee. The effects of things like caffeinated soap have been attributed to other awakening components like peppermint oil (oh look, the toothpaste says it is mintier than normal toothpaste), and placebo effect, which works quite well with perceived alertness.

At least in principle, since this is not fluoridated, you could eat it to get some of the caffeine...
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