Mom Buys What She Thinks is a Princess Wand for Her Kid, Gets a Demon Cutter Instead

The bible and religious figures say (in various ways) that the devil appears in appealing disguises. Perhaps his latest vessels are dollar store fairy princess wands for toddlers. The pink, flowery toy above was purchased at a dollar store in Dayton, Ohio by mother Michelle Allen, who intended it as a gift for her two-year-old daughter.

Yet when the shiny, foil cover in the center of the flower was peeled back, underneath it was a picture of a demonic girl cutting her arm with a knife (shown in photo below). The toy, which promised music, came instead with a sound effect of menacing laughter. The item hung on the dollar store shelf in the children's section next to Barbie and other dolls. Though it was called "Evilstick," the fiendish plaything was labeled as appropriate for children age three and above, and the most "evil" part of it was certainly hidden from the view of the consumer. 

The owner of the dollar store said he would continue to stock the item, and that parents should check toys before they give them to their children.

Watch a television news report on the story from WHIO Dayton here. 

Via Uproxx | Images: WHIO

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It's perfectly legal to buy an item at a store, take it home to modify and repackage it, then take it back to the store and leave it on the shelf. And there's really no way around it.

That's how we end up with dolls saying heavy-handed political things, barbies that sound like GI Joes, etc., etc. It's an easy and legal prank to pull, and store owners have no practical way to stop it.
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