13 Strange Signs And Unnecessary Warning Labels

Most of the products we buy, from clothing to power tools, carry some kind of warning label on them. Some are useful, others should be common sense, and a select few carry some mighty strange messages!

Here's an assortment of strange signs and warning labels to amuse and confound:

1. Theft warning in church-

Church seems like the last place thieves would be looking to steal your stuff, but when you don't have a problem with theft you don't need to put up a sign:

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2. Coathangers aren't food-

Unless you're a sword swallower or you have a strange eating addiction you shouldn't need a warning label to tell you not to swallow a hanger.

And if you can't read, or you simply don't believe the warning, the added illustration will show you why it's a bad idea:

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3. Too Old To Trampoline-

Most people don't consider being 40 years old an ailment, but according to the laws of the trampoline world forty is officially too old to bounce:

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4. Wear safety goggles while opening letters-

I can only imagine the crazy office product related tragedy that must have occurred to warrant including such a ridiculous warning with a little plastic letter opener. My guess is they shouldn't have touched Milton's stapler:

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5. We have no burritos today-

This sign was designed to deter those nefarious freeway burrito bandits from trying anything funny:

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6. Keep coffee away from crotch-

It should go without saying that hot coffee and crotches don't mix, but when a terrible mishap results in a crazy lawsuit a ridiculous warning label is born:

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7. Swimming may result in drowning- 

This strange sign may be totally unnecessary, but at least it's absolutely true- if you can't swim then you're not swimming in the pool, you're drowning!:

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8. Driving dogs on drugs are dangerous-

Dogs aren't allowed to drive yet, but when they're finally allowed to operate motor vehicles this drug interacton warning will officially become useful. Until then it will remain one of those WTF warning labels that makes us scratch our heads and wonder why:

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9. Please don't feed yourself to animals-

Many animals kept in zoos are dangerous, and most people visiting the park know better than to feed themselves to the critters.

But for those who don't have a clue (assuming they can read) this sign should keep them from making those poor critters sick with their gross human flesh:

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10. Keep children away from washing machine-

Washing your kids along with your clothing may seem like a great way to save time, but do your kid, and their spine, a favor and heed this warning label!:

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11. Having a throat can be dangerous-

Who is vulnerable to throat cancer? Only every single human being in the world who has a mouth or throat, so it looks like those who no longer have a throat are off the hook!:

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12. Please zip carefully-

There are many men in the world who wish their jeans had come with this warning label. Unfortunately, most of us learn this lesson the hard way:

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13. But is it dangerous, or not?-

Putting warning labels on power tools and machinery is just good practice, but when the label is too confusing to understand then why bother? Who has some danger here- the parts of your body or the machine?

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When in doubt always heed the warnings on signs and labels- unless you can't understand what the heck they're trying to say!

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