This is What a $93 Million NYC Skyscraper Penthouse Looks Like

Master Bath

One of my favorite places to visit is Manhattan. I'd live there if I could afford to live in a place in which I'd be comfortable. It's safe to say that this $93 million dollar Park Avenue penthouse fits the bill. At 1,396 feet high, the building is the tallest residential structure in the Western hemisphere. The penthouse offers sweeping views of the city from all sides. Building amenities include a private restaurant with outdoor terrace, a swimming pool and spa, a screening room and theatre, climate-controlled wine cellars, a children’s playroom and a board room. Plus, as you can see from these photos, you can bathe, make meals and lie in bed while gazing at the top of the Empire State. Or gazing at any number of tall, iconic buildings that stand in NYC. 

Learn more about these gorgeous digs at the building's website.  -Via Bored Panda

Living Room

Dining Room, with delicious view of the Chrysler Building


 Living Room

Master Bedroom

Comments (14)

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This is a unit staged by high-end realtors. They generally decorate all in neutrals with very little strong color in order not to scare off clients unable to envision it redone. Especially in a property that expensive, they can't afford to lose an interested client over a brightly colored wall or sofa that's too strong for them.

I agree with you two about color and personality. I'm sure any buyer of the space would add their own art, color, furniture, etc. after getting the key.

When I say that I'd feel comfortable in a New York apartment, I'm mostly referring to the fact that something isn't in a dicey neighborhood, is not a seventh-floor walk up, isn't 400 sq feet or so of living space, and has no rat, roach or bedbug problem.
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ummm. it looks nice and all but I'd be imbarressed if I were those dancers, their form sucks! slow-mo shows it all. really guys, you need to go back to the basics of ballet (ie, HEELS TOGETHER WHEN LANDING A JUMP in 1st position!)
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