The Matrix Trilogy Summed Up in Under 3 Minutes

The Matrix is one of those very polarizing trilogies. Some people like the fact that it incorporated Eastern philosophies and mixed them with modern ideas of technology and free-will. Others looked at it like a contrived action movie that tried too hard to be deep. One thing everyone can agree on, people walk away from the Matrix trilogy all with a different feeling on what just went down. It can be very confusing to piece together the whole thing after its many hours are behind you.

Thankfully, the guys over at TL;DW on YouTube put together this handy-dandy video that pretty much breaks this almost nine hour series down to just under three minutes. While the flash animations make lack some panache, the way they summarize the story is pretty awesome, and often times, hilarious.

(YouTube Link)

It is funny while also be pretty spot-on. Oh, and it saves you nine hours.

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