You gotta give it to the guy. Mel Brooks has been making people laugh for years now, and Monday, when the time came for him to leave his handprints at TLC Chinese Theater along Hollywood's Walk of Fame, he continued that streak of hilarity. Though many did not notice at first, it seems Mel Brooks wore a prosthetic extra finger on his left hand that was so realistic, even looking at the above picture it is hard to tell it is fake.
What makes this so great is in 100 years, when some kid is being dragged down that street by his tourist parents, he is going to catch a glance at Mel Brooks' hand print in the cement, and for one small moment in time, this kid is going to believe you can make it in Hollywood if you are a mutant. That, my friends, is awesome.
If you didn't already love him for Spaceballs and Blazing Saddles, you have to love him for this.
Comments (3)
(Gratuitous Princess Bride reference)
(Gratuitous Princess Bride reference)