People are mighty passionate about their breakfast cereal, and whether they eat it for breakfast, a late night snack or all day, every day like an adult-sized kid every cereal eater has their favorite brands.
The only problem with being so enamored with cereal is the fact that your favorite brand might disappear from the market one day, leaving your bowl empty and alone and your spoon without a purpose in life.
(Image Via Flickr)
This cereal changeup was especially hard on 80s kids, who were spoiled by the amazing selection of cartoon and celebrity endorsed cereals we thought we couldn't live without...until they were pulled from the shelves:
(Image Via ModernCollecting)
Take a trip down memory lane with these 15 Cereal Brands We Want Back, they'll make you hungry for a bowl of fun shaped crunchy corn and oat, and you'll see how boring most cereals have become by comparison.
Comments (3)
* I knew that I vaguely remembered a donut cereal -- now I have proof of Dunkin Donuts cereal. I can still remember how these (and many others) tasted.
* Did Mr. T taste like Capn Crunch? Blech!
* PacMan was pretty much re-shaped Lucky Charms.
* Never had Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp -- but the original version tasted better when it was made by a dog food company than by GM.
* S'mores Crunch -- another one of my favorites.
* Didn't have Kaboom until late 90s. It was pretty nasty. No loss there.
* Yeah, Oreo-O's were awesome (though awkward to say).
Some suggestions for a follow-up: Croonchy Stars, Morning Funnies, Nintendo Cereal System, Addams Family.
The tribute is heartwarming and really shows you how much care went into creating some advertising characters back in the day, now they all just seem like throwbacks or some utterly lame creation of a marketing team, totally soulless.