Photo Essay Reveals The Everyday Lives Of Trailer Park Folks

There’s one particular place of residence that changes the way people think about you at the mere mention that you live there, one park that most people in the surrounding neighborhoods don’t want to visit, with a name that sounds more fun than the reality contained within.

That place is the trailer park- where residents become marginalized, disregarded and generally cut off from the rest of society simply because they can’t afford to live anywhere else.

Photographer David Waldorf went in to a trailer park in Sonoma, California looking for a few good shots, and he came away with a photographic story to tell about the park's residents.

David's photo essay exposes trailer park residents for who they really are- human beings from a lower economic status living life their own unique way, in a microcosm that seems miles away from "regular" society yet exists right next door to us all. 

-Via Boing Boing

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I can believe it. I downed a case (16 pints) of Ben and Jerry's French Vanilla in about a week. I haven't been able to eat French Vanilla ice cream in a decade.
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When I read the story about Henry Ford, I started laughing.. I constantly give my girlfriend, who is Henry Ford's great great granddaughter, a hard time for eating chocolate for breakfast...I can see that odd diets run in her family. That family defiantly walks the fine line between crazy and intelligence.
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I live near the Evergreen Aviation museum in Oregon, home of the Spruce Goose. When you go into the plane and listen to the tour guide they'll tell you the very same story about the ice cream, complete with the names of some of the people who were involved in the purchase. I don't know if that counts as confirmed, but they oughta know. :-)
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"He ate fruit pretty much exclusively during this time period – a pretty amazing change for someone who is said to have been a cannibal."

This reminds me of Lemonhead's tribe in Monkey Island.
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