Kid Scribbles On Wall, Creative Mom Fixes It

Kids love to share their newfound love of art with their family, but sometimes this freedom of artistic expression means the folks are left cleaning up major messes around the house.

Little artists spill on the carpet, mark on tabletops and smear fingerpaints all over the furniture, and in their young eyes those blank walls are just dying for an artistic makeover.

Usually when kids write on the walls it means the parents have to scrub the whole mess off, sometimes even repaint to cover up the mess, but one crafty mom went along with her child’s artistic streak instead of covering it up.

With a little design ingenuity, and some beautifully painted organic shapes, she was able to turn the scribbles into a bit of decorative flair, and her ingenious solution was shared with the world by Redditor jerschneid.

-Via Bored Panda

See more about baby and kids at NeatoBambino

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I thought about that, since I couldn't find much info on the Redditor, but it's not my job to police the internet so I posted it. It's a link article, so if someone else like Bored Panda posts it the rest of the internet goes along for the ride. However, if the actual person who originally posted the image ever comes forward to claim it I'd be happy to give them credit.
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I'm extremely skeptical. I saw this same picture years ago in a funny Lifehacking Tips article. The Redditor who uploaded the pic has submitted tens of thousands of links to Reddit (not normal for a regular user) - I would consider this stolen material...
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I'm extremely skeptical. I saw this same picture years ago in a funny Lifehacking Tips article. The Redditor who uploaded the pic has submitted tens of thousands of links to Reddit (not normal for a regular user) - I would consider this stolen material...
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