What You Can Learn From Watching Investigation Discovery For 24 Hours

Watching true crime TV shows can teach you a thing or two about psychological profiling, forensic science and the horrific things people do to each other, but watch too much murder themed TV and you’re liable to become a bit paranoid.

Redditor fonetik conducted his own investigation into the effects of watching nothing but Investigation Discovery and other cop/murder shows for 24 hours and came up with over forty insightful, and sometimes frightening, "nuggets of information" including:

8. If you believe FBI profilers, I know about 30 serial killers.

3. If you took out an insurance policy on someone, and then they suddenly die horrifically a week later, you probably won’t get that money… and you’re going to prison.

15. My cell phone can take 6 hours of 720P video. The cameras in convenience stores take 4 pictures a minute and might as well be drawn with crayons. And they throw away the tapes nightly.

34. No one in nice neighborhoods hears or reports gunshots. Ever.

10. Detroit isn’t scary. Memphis is scary.

You can read the rest of fonetik's discovery nuggets here

-Via Super Punch

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