Studio Lamps Made from Old Records

Sandman Upcycling made this tripod mounted lamp (translation) that features an old LP record as a reflector. He doesn't say how he does it. Perhaps he softens the record with heat and then wraps it around a mold. What do you think? How would you build a reflector like this one?

-via Recyclart

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My guess he's a woodworker by trade because of the one component in the lamp that isn't an off-the-shelf item --a time consuming part to make without a bandsaw and a spindle sander. If that's the case, he probably has access to a bag vacuum press as well, which would make quick work of forming the shade. I agree with Jeff, this wouldn't make the best of reflectors, but I think the shortcomings could easily be remedied by use of an led bulb.
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Hmmmm... I would think that black would be the worst possible color for a reflector and I also think that vinyl would not hold up well to having a significant heat source so close nearby. They look cool, but perhaps forming them to this shape would server other purposes (lke the flower pots Ray P mentioned above) better.
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