Tumblr Users Love Capybaras

Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world, Rafael "Rafa" Nadal Parera is one of the largest tennis stars in the world, at least in terms of popularity and the fact he's an eleven time Grand Slam tournament champion, and thanks to the ridiculousness of the internet we are shown Capybaras That Look Like Rafael Nadal:

Despite their large size, their big, gnashy teeth and stout build capybaras are very gentle critters, preferring to take a swim and lay around on the shore all day rather than running around town causing trouble.

They're so easygoing that other animals consider them nature's chairs, as seen on the Tumblr site Animals Sitting on Capybaras:

Capybaras look like they'd be quite comfortable to sit on, provided you don't mind sitting on a soggy rodent, and despite their semiaquatic nature they don't stink because their wiry fur and lack of an undercoat keeps them stench free.

Since they're one of the least stinky animals living in their native habitat capybaras have become rather judgmental towards other critters, which inspired the creation of a Tumblr site called Capybara Is Judging You:

Where does all that capybara attitude come from? It stems from the fact that they're internet famous, of course!

They live a life of privilege, which some non-capybaras feel is an injustice, so a site featuring photos of posh capybaras living the good life was created, complete with colorful commentary, called This Is Capybara Privilege:

It's clear the internet adores the look of the majestic capybara, and the trend of capybara adoration (arguably) began with one Tumblr with an explicit name- F%#@ Yeah Capybara:

-Via Pleated Jeans, Smithsonian

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