Cake makes everything better, including apologies. Like this one above, for example. We can tell that the person is truly sorry for trying to sacrifice another humanbeing to Satan. How can we tell? They put extra sprinkles, of course.
Here are a few more fantastic photos of "I'm sorry" cakes making their rounds on the Web:
Sorry I Spoiled Game of Thrones Cake
via bloglovin
I'm Sorry You're on Your Period Cake by
redditor derolle. We're guessing it's a red velvet cake.
I'm Sorry I Blacked Out, Tried to Kill You, and Almost Got Us Arrested Cake
I'm Sorry I Ran Over Your Baby Cake (original unknown)
Sorry I Gave You Crabs, via Cake Wrecks
I'm Sorry I Projectile Vomited All Over Your Apartment and Cat Cake via No Way Girl
I'm Sorry I Thought You Were a Woman cake, via Cake Wrecks
Sorry I Never Refill the BRITA Cake, via Pinterest
Sorry I Tased You Cake
via imgur
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