Jim Koch is a man who knows a thing or twenty about beer- he's the founder of the Boston Beer company, he helped design the Perfect Pint glass and he's the founder of Brewing The American Dream, a micro-lending program that has helped over 300 food and beverage companies get their start over the last ten years.
It's safe to say Jim loves him some beer, and he drinks beer every day yet never loses the taste for those delicious foamy suds, but how does he drink beer all the time without getting drunk?
His amazing secret is stupidly simple- he eats active yeast before drinking, one teaspoon per pint of beer he plans to drink that night. To make the yeast more palatable he mixes it in with yogurt, but warns that yeast "will mitigate – not eliminate – but mitigate the effects of alcohol!"
So the next time you don't feel like stumbling home from the pub try this simple trick and you'll be the last person standing!
-Via Esquire
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go be homeless somewhere else.
love, your government.
I agree with George Carlin on this one.
I have noticed in the past few years most all the bridge occupants in South Florida have gone away. I don't know if its stricter enforcement or if they all just found different lodgings, but it's rare to see them now.
That guy needed to be moved on.
I'm all for people being left alone just so long as they do not present a danger to others and themselves.
That amount of crap up on that centre spar where it could fall onto moving vehicles is just dangersous.
If he was not over traffic I'd say let the guy be.