Celebrate Pi Day!

Today is 3/14 on the American calendar, and that means it’s Pi Day! The traditional Pi Day celebration involves baking or buying a pie and eating it while appreciating its roundness and the mathematical constant that helps us to figure out how much pie we’re eating. Here are some other ways to celebrate Pi Day:

Learn 3 Neat Facts About Pi Day.

Enjoy 14 Pi Pies For National Pi Day.

Listen to a Pi Day anthem.

Calculate Pi with Real Pies.

The Pi is a Lie, from Vi Hart.

The 10 Most Interesting Numbers in American Culture (Plus or Minus a Few).

Pi Calculated to a Record Number of 2.7 Trillion Digits.

Why Love is Like Pi.

You Know Who's Born on Pi Day? Einstein.

Wear a Pi shirt or jewelry, make ice cubes, solve a puzzle, and wrap gifts with pi products from the NeatoShop.

(Image credit: The NeatoShop)

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Newest 3 Comments

Of course, this makes Pi Day an almost exclusively American holiday, since the rest of the world put the day BEFORE the month when writing dates. (That was why I could celebrate 11/12/13 TWICE). As for next year's Super Pi Day, since 3.14159 actually rounds up to 3.1416, wouldn't that be the year after next? Aw, heck, let's do it twice.
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