A 7-11 store in Kanto, Japan, has reached its limit over a known shoplifter. The store posted a sign with a picture of the perpetrator, a cat described as “three-apples-tall, black, and walks in an aloof manner.” The cat has been helping himself to cat food from the store for some time. The sign reads, in part:
We need your help
Please do not feed this cat.
It enters the store and shoplifts cat food.
We told the cat that it was banned from the store but it didn’t listen.
Thank you for your cooperation
You’d think that feeding the cat would actually stem the crime wave, but what do I know? He may be selling the cat food on the streets for meth or something. A picture of the sign has been retweeted 19,000 times. -via Arbroath
(Image source: @mememe_sh)