Candid Photos Of Miserable Men Waiting While Their Wives Shop

Have you ever wondered why stores have those sad little chairs sitting outside the dressing rooms? These guys know, and I guess the stereotype rings true- some guys hate going shopping with their wives, and yet they're always getting suckered in to coming along, which results in a bunch of sad sacks loafing around department stores looking like they’d rather be anywhere else in the world.

The unhappy male shopping companion is the subject of an Instagram photo series called Miserable Men, which features some hilariously candid depictions of men yawning, fast asleep in chairs, and sometimes sitting in long rows commiserating with their fellow schlubs while their wives are busy shopping.

Via Bored Panda

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I never drag my husband with me shopping! It's more fun to go with girlfriends. On the rare occasion that we're shopping together and I want to try on clothes, he goes to a different store and we meet up afterwards!
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What is the motivation for bringing a guy to go shopping for girl clothes? Serious question. It can't be that they don't carry their own cash or credit cards. Maybe they only have one car and they'll go somewhere he wants afterwards?
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