Captain's Log, Stardate 1313.7. We are investigating reports of a red dot in star cluster NGC 321. Although Starfleet vessels have reported previous sightings of the red dot, none have been able to capture it. We hope that we will finally be able to bring an end to this menace.
Jenny Parks, the illustrator who drew 11 incarnations of the Doctor as the Avengers as cats has turned her attention to classic Star Trek.
-via Geek x Girls
That thar is a 'torbie'... a tortoiseshell tabby... and they're all female. (Or, I suppose, have Kleinfelter's syndrome if you want to get technical.) Tortoiseshell is a sex-linked color trait tied specifically to girls.
So either McCoy's been hiding something from us for all these years, or they probably should've picked a different cat. Silver tabby maybe?