(Photo: Jax Shells/Amy Tripp)
The Giant Horse Conch (Triplofusus giganteus) can grow up to 24 inches across. It's most commonly found off the Atlantic coast of Florida at depths of 43 to 223 feet. If you go scuba diving there, the Giant Horse Conch is waiting for you. And it's hungry.
This video shows the monster hunting non-human prey: a Tulip Snail. I highly recommend watching the entire video, including the battle between scavenging hermit crabs at the end.
-via Rocket News 24
Comments (5)
That's a lot easier to visualize.
•1 lb. ground Conch (Available in our Market)
•1 - 1/2 Large White Onions, Chopped
•4 large Tomatoes, Chopped
•4 Green Peppers, Chopped (Green, Yellow & Red for Color)
•8 Pepperoncini Diced
•1/4 cup of Pepperoncini Juice
•2 cups of Lime Juice (Fresh Squeezed is Best, or use Key West Lime Juice)
•Salt & Pepper to Taste
Wash ground conch and squeeze all excess water out. Place Conch in a glass container (do not use metal as an off flavor will occur). Cover ground conch with lime juice and chill for several hours, preferably overnight. Drain excess lime juice not absorbed from conch. (Don't squeeze it out, just tip the bowl and let excess run off) Add vegetables, pepperoncinis and pepperoncini juice. Salt and Pepper to taste.
Refrigerate for at least 4 hours prior to serving. Keeps great for 4-5 days. Serve with crackers (we recommend Triskets!)
Recipe serves 12-14 guests.
Take your measurements. The scale may not be moving very much, BUT you may be losing quite a bit of inches all around.
This may not be specific to HFCS, but just generally reducing the quantity of simple carbs (sugars) in your diet. It reduces the surges in your metabolism that cause those shakes when you hit a low point. I've noticed the same thing, but I can end up having a hypoglycemic reaction (even more shakes! :)) so I have to pay attention to have a good balance of some sugar, but not too much, and preferably spread out in small amounts.
They did a study and found switching your pop to cane sugar based ones actually had people losing weight even though the did not diet or change their eating habits any other way. Did you know the U.S. is the only country that makes Coke w/HFCS?
Also, eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast does not mean that your body can ONLY metabolize carbs for the day. The studies show a fatty breakfast WILL in fact help boost the use of fat as energy, but will not stop anything else from being used as well...
# 1: The number of people eating with you: there is a direct positive correlational relationship between the number of people eating with you and the amount of food you eat. This may have something to do with the "don't eat and multitask" point, as people tend to be distracted and talking while eating.
# 2: The variety of food on offer: The more variety on offer, the more you eat. I don't think this needs to be explained.
These findings were robust and replicable. I also remember environmental temperature being a good predictor, with people eating more in colder temperatures than hotter.
Either worded very poorly or completely false. Once you are an adult, you DO NOT EVER make more fat cells or lose any fat cells (without liposuction). The cells only shrink or expand as the amount of lipid in them changes.
I have found that cutting down on products made with HFCS, and doing things like baking my own bread (from scratch), using extra virgin olive oil instead of other cooking oils, real butter instead of margarine, etc, I have lost weight and have more energy than I used to.
PS: Ashley, are you SURE?
And now, even if you do lost any extra weight again etc. you will still have that additional number of fat cells.