The Argentine photography collective M.A.F.I.A. (Movimiento Argentino de Fotógrafxs Independientes Autoconvocadxs) posted a gallery of Batman in his down-and-out period.
Bruce Wayne Do Santos. Ex-millonario. Ex-propietario de latifúndios subterráneos. Ex-superamigo. Removido, desalojado, desterrado, vagando por Rio City.
Una cruda mezcla de performance, comics y arte callejero.
Bruce Wayne Do Santos. Ex-millionaire. Ex-owner of underground estates. Ex-superfriend. Dismissed, homeless, landless. Wandering the city of Rio. A raw mixture of performance, comics, and street art.
(Translation by zompist.)
There are many more pictures in the gallery at Facebook. -via Metafilter
All photographs CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 - M.A.f.I.A.
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Any other cities as gung ho about Guinness World Record day?