Archive for November 14th, 2013

Bathing Newborn Twins

[] (YouTube link)Look at these adorable new babies! They are twins, but obviously not identical, as one has a full head of hair. Watch them snuggle with each other as they get a therapeutic bat...

Why Do Goths Stay Goth Long after Punks and Ravers Have Moved on?

(Photo: adam w)Punks, ravers and members of other youth subcultures may grow up and become more ordinary and mainstream. But according to a sociologist, goths tend to stay more closely identified with th...

Kids' Drawings of Their Grandparents Recreated in Photographs

The child may not be a precise artist, but he understood exactly what he was trying to create when he drew his grandmother. Yoni Lefevre, a designer in the Netherlands, asked children to draw pictures of their grandparen...

A Sailor’s Dying Wish

When EM2 Bud Cloud reconciled himself to the fact that he didn't have much longer to live, all he wanted to do was go down to the Navy shipyard and see the USS Dewey, his old ship when he was in the Navy himself...

A Dog on Mount Everest

(Photo: Joanne Lefson)Rupee was a homeless, starved and dying dog living in a garbage dump in northern India. Three months later, he reached one of the Mount Everest base camps located at 17,598 feet above sea level. He...

Smell of Pot in the Air? Call ... the Nasal Ranger!

After Colorado legalized recreational use of marijuana last year, city officials found themselves with a stinky problem. Literally! As industrial-scale growing of marijuana ramps up, people in some parts of Denve...

Lots of Lambs

[] (YouTube link)If you've been having a bad day and are tempted to think the world's gone to hell in a hand basket, take five minutes to watch these Valais Blacknose lambs gamboling about the...

Noble Gases

Noble Gases by Wirdou Sorry halogens, this club is for noble gases only. And what fetching elements these noble gases are: Krypton looks particularly genteel with a top hat! T-shirt illustrator extraordi...

X-Wing Fighter Plush

 X-Wing Fighter PlushCuddle up with your favorite Rebel Alliance vehicle. This adorable plush is in the shape of the X-Wing Fighter from Star Wars. It is the perfect plush toy for combating night terrors about dark...

The Daring Escape From the Eastern State Penitentiary

In 1944-45, 12 inmates at Eastern State Penitentiary in Pennsylvania dug a tunnel with spoons to make their escape. Bank robber Willie Sutton took credit for the scheme, although burglar Clarence “Kliney” Kli...

The Balance Bookshelf

Got a lot of unread books? The Balance Bookshelf by Chris Cushingham of Cush Design Studio lets you stack all the books you've read on one side of the "scale" and the unread ones on the other. It's a c...

They Will Never Take Our Bones!!!

What would happen if history was written by critters instead of people? Well, things would be pretty much the same, but our old portraits would be a lot more interesting (and adorable). At least that's what the work...

Could You Draw the United States?

Do you think you could draw the United States, with the states, without looking at a map? It's a lot harder than you think! The staff at Buzzfeed tried it, with varying results (mostly funny). The above...

The "Rockets' Red Glare" in The Star Spangled Banner Refers Specifically to These Things

(Photo: Science Museum)Two hundred years ago, the United States and Britain were locked in a savage struggle known as the War of 1812. After Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated in 1814, Britain sent much of its vast military ca...

Are Silent Farts Worse?

[] (YouTube link)You've heard the phrase "silent but deadly" all your life, and it wasn't always about ninjas. The difference between loud farts and silent farts would appear to have nothing to...

13 Ways to Have Fun With Your Turkey This Thanksgiving

Are you looking forward to Thanksgiving? If you're the one in charge with cooking, you might not be excited because of the anxiety of putting together a huge meal for a large group. If you need a good stress reliever, pe...

Future Submarines Could Swim Like Stingrays

(Photo: Barry Peters)Millions of years of evolution have produced the perfect design for moving through the water: the stingray. That’s the argument advanced by University of Buffalo researchers Richard Bottom, a m...

The Evolution of Little Red Riding Hood

Folk tales are passed down from one generation to another, changing a little along the way -kind of like evolution, only faster. Anthropologist Jamie Tehrani of Durham University studied the history of the folktale Littl...

The Bizarrely Creative Sushi of Blue C Sushi

Like sushi but wish there were more classic European flavors with your fish? Then you just might dig the eclectic menu of Blue C sushi. Food Beast has a photo-loaded review of some of their great dishes and they've certa...

Jack Skellington Santa Hat with Beard

Jack Skellington Santa Hat with BeardWhat's this? What's this? There's something very right. I can't believe my eyes. It's the Jack Skellington Hat with Beard from the NeatoShop. Now you can celebrate the holidays a...

The Gettysburg Address

[] (YouTube link)Abraham Lincoln delivered what is now known as the Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19, 1863. Th...

During World War I, Circus Animals Joined the War Effort

(Photo: University of Sheffield)During World War I, the British military acquired most of the horses in the country and sent them off to war. That meant that other animals on the home front had to pick up the slack. Amon...

What Is It? game 301

It's once again time for our collaboration with the wonderfully entertaining What Is It? Blog. Do you know what the pictured item is? Can you make up something wonderfully wacky? That's what we're looking fo...

Maru Doesn't Limit Himself to Boxes

(Video Link)We all know how much Maru loves boxes and sliding across floors, but did you know he's also quite the climber? In fact, he can even go up a ladder as well as a professional roofer. I didn't even k...

The Indian Stream Republic--A Little Nation on the US-Canadian Border

(Image: Citynoise)The United States secured its independence from Britain through the Treaty of Paris in 1783. The second article attempted to define the boundaries of the new nation. This led to further problems and dis...

Iceland's Elf School

You'd think that an Elf School in Iceland would be a place you go to learn how to be one of Santa's elves, but no. It's Reykjavik's premier institution for identifying the imaginary creatures called Huldufólk, or...

Breaking Bad: The Engagement Photos

I don't know about you guys, but I can't think of a more romantic show from recent time than Breaking Bad. Oh wait, maybe that was just the fake Brokeback Mountain parody someone made online. Well,...

Cooky and Her Sheep

[] (YouTube link)Cooky the cat has a sheep toy that "talks," so she talks back to it. After all, Cooky knows the squeaky wheel gets the attention! Then again, if you're as pretty and cuddly as...

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Troll

The best part of being a Jedi master is getting to haze young Padawans. But perhaps in this comic from The Gentleman's Armchair, Ben Kenobi is just having a bit of harmless birthday fun. At least Luke do...

Take Any Number ...

From FACT Slide Go on, give it a try. Surprised? Pretty cool, eh? Now try it using high school algebra: Not so magical anymore? Or is it even more mathematical? Go...

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