I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve always had a soft spot for cheesecake art from the forties and fifties and I’m certainly not alone. In fact, many modern artists take inspiration from this style and some even incorporate their favorite fictional characters into these classic poses. Here are a few examples of pinup art with a decidedly geeky twist.
For the Love of Harley Quinn
When it comes to Harley Quinn pinups, it’s hard to beat this great piece by Steven Donegani that not only shows the artist’s adoration for classic pinup art, but also for Harley herself. Poison Ivy fans will be happy to know that Steven also made a similar piece featuring our favorite plant-loving villain.
DC Supercuties
Why settle for a Jack-In-The-Box when you can instead have an adorable little Harley-On-The Box? Last year, artist Lora Zombie released a six-part series of sweet and sexy DC comic book girls posed as classic pinup girls. She put 150 of each print up for sale on Eyes on Walls and now only Harley, Supergirl and Batgirl are still available.
The Sweetest Supergirl
At the end of a hard day, nothing feels better than stripping off your crime fighting boots and relaxing on the couch with your super kitty. At least, that’s the vibe I get from this adorable pinup art by Elizabeth Torque.
It Would Be Hard Not to Touch Her
DeviantArt user Lovely Zitalee specializes in drawing pinups of classic characters. Among the many franchises she’s worked on are the Flintstones, the X-Men, the Addams Family, the Nightmare Before Christmas and Alice in Wonderland. In fact, if you like what you see here, you really should make a trip to her page to enjoy all the great pinups she has to offer.
You Might Just Like Her When She’s Angry
While researching this article, I came across a few versions of sexy She-Hulks, but most really downplayed her strength, which makes her seem like a pretty green woman, not the famous crime fighter we know and love. That’s why this design by DeviantArt user randomality85 is so fantastic, it makes her look sexy and feminine, but also shows off her impressive strength at the same time. The artist also has a few other great Marvel girls as pinups, so check out his whole gallery if you get a chance.
Say Hello to Mr. America
While there are a lot of great female superheroes depicted as classic pinups, it’s a lot harder to find male ones in that style. When you do find ones with males, it is often delightfully refreshing, like this Captain America pinup by DeviantArt user e1n.
When The Predator Becomes The Prey
It’s hard to think of any character less likely to come off as sexy than the Predator, and, honestly, even with Etsy seller SleepyBowie’s great body work, this picture is still pretty much horrifying and totally unsexy. But at least the Predator tried to doll herself up, even if it was in vain.
Marvelous Metroid
Ever since Samus was revealed to be a woman, she has been a fantasy for many young geek boys. Here is a great take on her in a sexy pose, though still in her classic 16-bit form, thanks to Kyle Olson.
Frankenstein Is One Lucky Guy
Artist Alley Fell likes to put together classic cheesecake imagery with great geek characters. While most of her characters have a strong, butt-kicking side, it’s hard to top this Charge design, featuring the Bride of Frankenstein getting ready for a night out, if you’re looking for work with a definitively classic pinup art style.
Set Phasers on Stunning
What happens when you mix the classic beauty of Betty Page and the greatness of the USS Enterprise? You get this smoking hot Vulcan just waiting to become your new desktop background –no, really, that’s exactly why artist Jesus Diaz created her and you can download the full size versions at the link.
Boba Fett? More Like Babe-y Fett
If Boba Fett looked like this under all that armor, there’s no way a rogue like Han would keep running. He’d at least have to take his chances with at least one run in. This beautiful bounty hunter was designed by Dominic Marco. He’s also created a delightfully adorable version of Han as well.
Lord of the Hotties
I bet you never knew that under all those heavy robes, the Nazgul are actually total bombshells. Just wait until you get them down by the beach in their bathing suits, they pretty much immediately stop being ring wraiths and become ring babes. The only problem –they still don’t have faces under those masks, but hey, nobody’s perfect.
This delightful Lord of the Rings tattoo was done by Bob Parr at Jaded Angel and belongs to Tumblr user Lyfeisfunni. She also has one on the other side featuring a very sexy Boba Fett.
Robert Downey Dizzam
Easily the weirdest geek pinup, these bizarre illustrations combine the works of legendary pinup paintings combined with the face of actor Robert Downey, Jr. Why were these ever created? Because Robert Downey, Jr. is a babe, of course, though I never knew he had such nice legs.
Know of any other great takes on this classic art style? If so, share them in the comments –especially if they feature men in these sexy poses because there just aren’t enough of those out there. In the meanwhile, those looking for guys in cheesecake-style pictures will have to settle for the Hawkeye Initiative.
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