You know the story. A young merman prince, dissatisfied with life under the sea and curious about the human world, goes to the surface and encounters a lovely young woman.
deviantARTist FERNL re-imagined The Little Mermaid with Ariel as a human princess and Prince Eric as the merman son of the King of the Sea: Link
Comments (1)
Keep on at it, internet.
Why not actually set up something a bit more permanant that makes him reliant on the land and what it has to offer instead of dumpster diving and depending on friends to feed him. If he's already doing that then meh.. I didn't read the article :P
The article never claimed that he renounced all material things or services (those are still made with money) - it's just that he himself has been living for the past decade without using currency.
@ForReallyReal, your analogy is terrible and doesn't fit the situation at all. Everyone can be a vegan if they chose to be. No problems there. Everyone can't stop using money. Or, to be more precise, everyone can't stop using a means of exchange. Classic barter went away because it was too cumbersome; you had to hope/pray that the person who wanted what you had to trade had something you needed in return. There will always need to be a medium of exchange. Now, whether that medium should be inherently worthless monopoly money or something with intrinsic value that will hold its buying power over time and that politicians cannot debase is another discussion.