(Photo: Hafiz Issadeen)
It has to be edible, but also an effective weapon. Quora contributors pondered this dilemma. John Burgess, a former US Foreign Service Officer, suggests durian fruit, which has a prickly exterior and a stinky interior:
My first volley would be a barrage of Durian fruits at the far end of ripeness. The chemical assault might end things right there by causing vomiting which, as we know, has an infectious effect in groups. A disabled troop is unable to fight.
My second volley would be with Durian fruits as the near end of ripeness. These hard, spiky fruits would draw blood, break bones, and demoralize the still retching enemy.
The conquerors, however, will have to be supplied with gas masks and protective clothing in order to occupy enemy territory now covered in Durian slime and vomit.
Which food would you choose?
Oooh, I sure hope you're joking!
They made ceremonial necklaces out of the teeth, and used the rest of the animal to have sex with.