History of Britain in LEGO

James Pegrum is a building surveyor by day and master LEGO builder by night. His epic "British History" series depicts the history of Britain from Stonehenge to Margaret Thatcher with LEGO. View more photos over at Pegrum's MOCpages and Flickr set.

2500 BC Stonehenge. Construction of the inner horseshoe with massive trilithons.

56 BC Julius Caesar landed in Britain for the first time. He was repelled, but returned a year later and conquered the land.

56 AD Roman built a huge theater near the Temple of Claudius, Camulodunum (modern day Essex)

1100 AD Murder of King William II in the New Forest

1170 AD The death of Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket

1215 AD The signing of the Magna Carta

1599 AD Shakespear's play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar was performed at The Globe Theater

1605 AD The Gunpowder Plot was foiled and Guy Fawkes was arrested, which started the tradition of Guy Fawkes Night

1666 AD The Great Fire of London

1805 AD Death of Admiral Nelson during the Battle of Trafalgar

1944 AD Colossus Mark 2 computer in Bletchley Park during World War II

1979 AD Margaret Thatcher elected as British Prime Minister

View more photos over at Pegrum's MOCpages and Flickr set

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