If We Could See Inside Others' Hearts

(YouTube link)

Everyone has their own story, their own joys, fears, and worries. If we could see what they are carrying around, would we treat them differently? The Cleveland Clinic produced this video and presented it to the staff. It was picked up by the Everyone Matters campaign. Link -via the Presurfer

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I second your sentiment Katherine, and I feel you, Terrie - medical insurance is so outrageously expensive. Have you looked at major medicals (instead of a full medical coverage)? It's much, much cheaper but it can save you from going bankrupt if you had a medical emergency.
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I don't want to walk in your shoes, but I don't want you or anyone else to have to walk in them either. If I could pay for the medical care of you or any others that needed it, I would. I know it makes little difference, but I am sorry that it is that way for you.
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