Skull Sculptures from Recycled Materials

Although I can't learn much information about him, it's easy to tell that Franco León Reyes is a highly skilled and imaginative artist. He can turn anything--especially plastic soda bottles--into skulls.

Link -via Recylart

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Good question! Here's the difference:

An item is either reused for an additional time, as in re-purposing a glass milk bottle to hold drinking water, or if the glass bottle is recycled, the material itself is put back through the manufacture cycle to be made, once again, into a new glass bottle or another glass product.

These wonderful skulls above used existing materials whose intended use was completed. Therefor "Skull Sculptures from Reused Materials."

(I know, making this distinction can be kind of annoying but the wide-spread use of the word "recycle" to also mean "reuse" revels how poorly society actually understands not only these vital process but why we should be doing these things in the first place. )
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