Instructables member peinkc spent only $15 building this portable fire pit. After removing the interior rubber and plastic components from the shopping cart that he legally acquired, he built a bottom pan out of cookies sheets and fitted mesh spark screens along the sides and top. The bottom rack provides a convenient place to store logs.
Comments (8)
Actually, if you go to the original link (above), you'll see he did NOT steal the cart.
John should edit his post so people can enjoy the project without assuming the cart was stolen property.
WAKE UP - they're they to serve ADVERTISEMENTS.
Since the people paying for those advertisements are local - why would they want to waste bandwidth/infrastructure/support (i.e. MONEY) on allowing outsiders who will most likely never buy the stuff being advertised - to watch for free.
"Gorillaz - Stylo (HD)"
This video contains content from EMI. It is not available in your country.
More like "Because your country is in northern Europe, has a population less than 5 million and has a stupid spoon-shape, we hate you, HA!"
Strangely, only the "official" music vids are blocked. Tour ads, behind the scenes, remixes and such aren't blocked.