Battle of the Hate Groups: KKK vs Westboro Baptist Church

You know your hate group is really hated when even the KKK hates it! Fresh from getting its butt kicked by clowns, the KKK is now fighting the Westboro Baptist Church:

Players: The Ku Klux Klan; Westboro Baptist Church.

Opening Serve: Monday's Memorial Day services attracted the attention of the Westboro Baptist Church, the Kansas group known for its angry, and now specifically court-allowed protests of American soldiers' funerals. The demonstrators, who carry signs bearing hateful messages such as "God hates fags" and "Jews killed Jesus" are not well-liked. Not even, apparently, by the Ku Klux Klan. Members of the Knights of the Southern Cross, a Virginia branch of the KKK, gathered outside Arlington Cemetery Monday to protest the protesters. The KKK group's leader, "Imperial Wizard" Dennis LaBonte told CNN, "It's the soldier that fought and died and gave them that right to free speech."

Return Volley: The demonstrating WBC members seemed pretty unfazed by the KKK's counter-protest. According to CNN, Abigail Phelps, daughter of the Church's founder Fred Phelps, said, "That's fine. They have no moral authority on anything. People like them say it's white power ... white supremacy. The Bible doesn't say anywhere that it's an abomination to be born of a certain gender or race."

Caitlin Dickson of The Atlantic Wire summarizes it for us: Link

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